I qualified as a Bowen practitioner with the European College of Bowen Studies in 2006. Since then, I have attended a number of workshops to support my learning in this fascinating and very effective therapy, including training in Fascia Bowen with Howard Plummer and Neural Touch with Gene Dobkin. I am a fully insured and have a current First Aid Certificate. I am CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) and BTPA (Bowen Therapy Professional Association) registered.
In addition to the Bowen Technique, I also practise 'm' Technique, Reiki and QT (Quantum Touch).
I practice Bowen Therapy two days a week at Chelsea House Clinic, 30 West High Street, Inverurie. If you would like to make an appointment at this clinic, please phone 01467 624888. I also work Thursday mornings at The Inverurie Chiropractic Clinic, 27 North Street, Inverurie. If you would like an appointment at this clinic please phone my mobile 07733 28035.
The Bowen Technique, for me, is the most all round therapy I have come across. There are a number of therapies which are holistic, meaning that the treatment affects the whole person not just a specific area, but I have not come across one which has such amazing results as Bowen. It is when talking to relatives of clients that the far-reaching effects of Bowen become apparent. They often make comments like: 'Mum has become so much more confident since she began treatment.' 'Dad would hardly leave the house on his own before he saw you.' That is why I named this site 'ALL ABOUT BOWEN' - because not only is it telling the public all about Bowen but in fact, I very much feel that no matter what the condition or problem, almost everyone can benefit from a Bowen Treatment so it is, All About Bowen. The results can often be surprising and not at all what you expect, but nevertheless an improvement, a change for the better whether that is physical or emotional.
I have seen the many benefits of The Bowen Technique and I continue to be delighted by my clients’ responses and the progress they make. My learning continues every day and I am keen to develop personally and professionally in the fascinating field of complementary therapy. I undertake regular continuing professional development courses and activities and belong to a Regional Interest Group for Bowen Practitioners.
Aside From Bowen For A Moment
As a holistic practitioner I feel very strongly that the fuel (food and drink) we put into our bodies will reflect in our overall health. We don't always eat the way we should - too much sugar or salt, not enough vegetables etc so this is why I promote FrequenSea which is a superb food supplement containing marine phytoplankton. Marine Phytoplankton provides a unique blend of phytonutrients and a naturally balanced composition of sea minerals which help the body heal itself.
I also promote Neways products which are free from harmful chemicals. When I was first introduced to the idea of safe personal products my first reaction was 'why? They wouldn't put stuff on the supermarket shelves if they hadn't already been tested for safety. Would they?' Well..........after a bit of research the answer to that seems to be, quite possibly, yes! The average woman uses 12 toiletries including soap, shampoo, toothpaste, make-up etc every day and applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her body in the process. You can view more information at: http://www.chemicalsafeskincare.co.uk/chemicals/
As well as looking after ourselves I feel it's really important to look after the world we live in. We generally toss plastic in the bin and don't think a thing about it. Where does it go? I just thought it went into landfill till I found Wikaniko (we can eco). This really opened my eyes. A very informative site as well as providing help and guidance on how to become greener without taking out a second mortgage! Follow my blog to see how I'm getting on.
However..............back to Bowen:
One of my clients wrote the following giving her experience of Bowen:
'I decided to give Bowen a try because my family and work were suffering as a result of me being so sore all the time. My first session left me extremely sceptical as I never really felt anything the Therapist did. It was so gentle I just couldn't see how it could work. However by the time I returned for my third and final session I couldn't believe how much I had improved. I no longer needed to take any painkillers as the pain was so mild it was more like an ache than a pain.
It's been three weeks now since my last treatment and I am no longer getting any pain or having any trouble at all with my neck. I will be recommending The Bowen Technique to anyone I know who could benefit from the treatment. The therapy was completely painless and very relaxing, but best of all it really works and I now have a happy family again and back to doing my job the best I can do it - I owe all this to my Therapist using the Bowen Technique. Many, many thanks.' DC

Bowen Treatment for Sports Performance and Injuries

Jan Mathers

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If you would like a catalogue to browse through please email me
Follow my Blog as I check out and review some of the more popular products on offer:
DIRECT- 07733 288035 If I am not able to answer please do leave a number and I will get right back to you.
CHELSEA HOUSE CLINIC, INVERURIE: 01467 624888 I only offer Bowen Therapy and 'M' Technique at this clinic on Mondays and Wednesdays. For other therapies or for FrequenSea or Neways products or information Please phone my direct number.
Thank you.
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